| Ypeka http://www.ypeka.gr/
| Municipality of Chios http://www.chioscity.gr/
| TEE North Aegean http://www.pvaigaiou.gov.gr/web/guest/home
| Technical Chamber of Greece http://web.tee.gr/
| regional department of the Aegean http://portal.tee.gr/portal/page/portal/teeBAAigaiou
| TSMEDE http://www.tsmede.gr/
| Ktimatologio http://www.ktimatologio.gr/Pages/Default.aspx
| Michanikos http://www.michanikos.gr/
| E- poleodomia http://www.poleodomia.gov.gr/
| Association of Civil Engineers http://www.spme.gr/
| National Technical University of Athens http://www.ntua.gr/
| Engineers of earth _ http://www.engoe.gr/
| Civil engineers from Chios http://xiotesmixanikoi.blogspot.gr/