aestus ūs m. greek verb αἴθω [agitation , heat]; of liquids, esp. of the sea, [seething, raging]; also of the sea's [tide] and [spray]; fig., of persons, [dizziness]; also [emotional excitement, heat, fury; perplexity, anxiety],rage of fire: furit aestus ad auras, V.: quia oleam momorderit aestus, H.: labore et aestu languidi, S.: ad aestūs vitandos aedificare, Cs.: Aestibus mediis, in midday heat, V.: Caniculae, H.: sidereus, O.: ulceris aestus, fever: aegri aestu febrique iactantur.
—Poet., summer: medio in aestu, O. — Of the sea, a heaving, swell, surge: fervet aestu pelagus
— cf. exsultant aestu latices, boil up, V.: aequoris, breakers, V.: ingreditur ferventes aestibus undas, O.
— The waves, billows, sea: delphines aestum secabant, V.: maritimos aestūs maximos in oceano efficere, tides: minuente aestu, at low tide, Cs.